Sunday, September 4, 2011


Let us go through presentation

When you make communication with computer you would need Max232 IC which is voltage translator. You can find its schematic online. As it is one of the most popular form of communication there are plenty of resources on this online.
You can search for schematic in google images and i bet it would be the first pic.

You can find the code here


Let us see the presentation

When you make communication with computer you would need Max232 IC which is voltage translator. You can find its schematic online. As it is one of the most popular form of communication there are plenty of resources on this online.
You can search for schematic in google images and i bet it would be the first pic.

You can find the code here

(P89v51RD2) UART

Serial Communication is one of the essential component of embedded design. I am going to explain RS232 communication using this controller.
Let us go through the presentation which explains the register to configure
Look for PORT 3 Pin configuration PIN named RX & TX are used for Serial communication

When you make communication with computer you would need Max232 IC which is voltage translator. You can find its schematic online. As it is one of the most popular form of communication there are plenty of resources on this online.
You can search for schematic in google images and i bet it would be the first pic.

You can download code from here

(PIC16F877A) 128x68 Graphic Display

Let us see the presentation first 


Please refer the specific controller page for details for Microcontroller & Compiler

You can download the code from here

(Atmega 16) 128x68 Graphic Display

Let us see the presentation first 


Please refer the specific controller page for details for Microcontroller & Compiler

You can download the code from here

(P89v51RD2) 128x68 Graphic Display

Let us have presentation

Please refer the specific controller page for details for Microcontroller & Compiler

You can download the code from here

(Atmega 16) 20x4 LCD

20x4 LCD is extended version of 16x2 LCD the only difference is their size & capacity to display
16x2 is 16 character x 2 lines &
20x4 is 16 character x 4 lines
Their interfacing is same. Please refer the bottom memory diagram for 20x4 in the slide which is same for 16x2

Please find controller specific details & compiler details on that specific page.
You can download code from here

(PIC16F877A) 20x4 LCD

20x4 LCD is extended version of 16x2 LCD the only difference is their size & capacity to display
16x2 is 16 character x 2 lines &
20x4 is 16 character x 4 lines
Their interfacing is same. Please refer the bottom memory diagram for 20x4 in the slide which is same for 16x2

Please find controller specific details & compiler details on that specific page.
You can download code from here

(P89v51RD2) 20x4 LCD

20x4 LCD is extended version of 16x2 LCD the only difference is their size & capacity to display
16x2 is 16 character x 2 lines &
20x4 is 16 character x 4 lines
Their interfacing is same. Please refer the bottom memory diagram for 20x4 in the slide which is same for 16x2

Please find controller specific details & compiler details on that specific page.
You can download code from here

(Atmega 16) 16X2 LCD

Let us see the presentation

I have in operated the LCD in 4 bit data mode
You can find details of compiler & Controller on Specific controller page
Download the code from here

(PIC16F877A) 16x2 LCD

Let us see the presentation

I have in operated the LCD in 4 bit data mode
You can find details of compiler & Controller on Specific controller page
Download the code from here

(P89v51RD2) 16x2 LCD

Let us see the presentation

I have in operated the LCD in 4 bit data mode
You can find details of compiler & Controller on Specific controller page
Download the code from here

(Atmega 16) 7 segment

Let us have the presentation first

Now we have 8 7-segment display.
How many microcontroller pins are required to interface it.
You might me thinking it would be 8x7=56. Microcontroller don't even have that many I/O.
So we would go ahead for multiplexing which would utilize just 16 I/O lines

Refer to schematic below

Now i have 2 codes for this that explain different cases when you work on it

You can see all compiler details on page Atmel AVR page 

You can download the codes from 
1) here
2) here

(PIC16F877A) 7 Segment

Let us have the presentation first

Now we have 8 7-segment display.
How many microcontroller pins are required to interface it.
You might me thinking it would be 8x7=56. Microcontroller don't even have that many I/O.
So we would go ahead for multiplexing which would utilize just 16 I/O lines

Refer to schematic below

Now i have 2 codes for this that explain different cases when you work on it 

You can find specific details of compiler and controller on the page Microchip PIC

You can down load code from here 
1) here
2) here

(P89v51RD2) 7 Segment

Let us have the presentation first

Now we have 8 7-segment display.
How many microcontroller pins are required to interface it.
You might me thinking it would be 8x7=56. Microcontroller don't even have that many I/O.
So we would go ahead for multiplexing which would utilize just 16 I/O lines

Refer to schematic below

Now i have 2 codes for this that explain different cases when you work on it

Get the details
Microcontroller Platform: MCS 51
Microcontroller: NXP P89v51RD2
Compiler: Uvision Kiel
You can download code from
1) here
2) here

(Atmel Atmega16) Blink LED!!!

When you work on AVR I/O ports you have to take care of 3 register
1)DDR:- to set the direction (either input or output)
2)PORT: write your output data to PORT
3)PIN: Read your data input from PIN

You can download code from here

Saturday, September 3, 2011

(PIC16F877A) Blink LED!!!

Here comes post for Microchip Pic fans.

Problem Statement: Blink LED
Microcontroller Platform: Microchip PIC
Microcontroller: PIC16F877A
Compiler: MPLAB with Hitech C compiler

Remember to configuire the direction of the port by TRIS register.
You can download code from here

(P89v51RD2) Blink LED !!!!!

The best way to get started is to learn the I/O Ports. The simplest Peripheral to get started is LED. Here is the presentation for the LED blinking.

Problem Statement: Blink a LED
Microcontroller Platform: MCS-51
Microcontroller: NXP P89v51RD2
Compiler: Uvision Keil

To download code you can visit  here


Labor Day Utilization!!!!

Through out the weekend there would be 22 Presentation posting which would talk about various peripheral in details with their code on P89v51RD2, PIC16F877A,Atmega 16.

Please stay tuned for update and like it on Facebook & twitter.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Compiler Details!!!!

It is always tuff for a beginner to select the compiler & IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Here is a quick reference what we are going to use for the upcoming tutorials.

For MCS-51 Family:-

We are going to use Keil IDE &  Compiler. Keil is famous cross compiling platform for many of controller platform. we will essentially use this as it is easy to use & many industries have adopted it(there is + in it which could be shown on CV ).

You can download the demo version from here. It is C51 category. You don't need a complete version to get started. Above all the demo version just have the compilation limits if I am not wrong. 

The code i would be posting would be tested on Atmel 89S51, 89S52 & Phillips (NXP now) P89V51RD2.

For PIC Family:-

Microchip is also one of the major players of 8 bit micro controller in the industry. They have their own IDE called MPLAB which is every effective with assembly. Unfortunately by default it does not have C compiler in  it which you have to install after you install MPLAB. Link for MPLAB is here

The compiler we are going to use with it is Hitech C compiler for PIC 10/12/16 series again it is a demo version with some limitation of optimization. you can download it form here

All the codes are tested for PIC16F877A.

After Finishing with this these series of tutorial I am preparing for PIC18F series with PIC C Compiler. You have to wait for a month or more if you are relying on blog for it.

For Atmel AVR Series:-

One of the most popular 8 bit micro controller platform I have worked on is ATMEL AVR SERIES. We are using Codevision AVR for the compilation & it comes with its own IDE. It can be downloaded from here.

It is an evaluation version but a well versed for a beginner so you don't have to worry about its limitation because when you start working on it  as a beginner you are far away from the boundary point.

Our code are tested on Atmega 16, Atmega 32, Atmega 128 & Atmega 8 .

In our next blog we would discuss what we are going to cover in these tutorial series.

For now download the IDE & Complier of your choice and be ready to get your hand dirty on some coding......... 

Monday, August 29, 2011

Hello !!!!

Hi!!! Guys this is my second blog, My 1st blog is about mobile robots. On which you can find collection of all mobile robotics community & their prototype or commercial product robot. You can visit my blog here

On this blog you can find tutorials on 8051,PIC,AVR 8-bit microcontrollers. I would be posting every topic in details with their presentation & a working code.

I have used embedded C & would list out details for compiler & IDE in the next blog.

hope to see your comments & view on all post...
